I do not take showers or baths.
I have long hair (to my waist), i never shampoo or wet it at all, except around once a month when I henna/indigo it. I just 2x daily, "scritch" and "scratch" (fingernail and fingertip scalp massage), and comb with sandalwood comb and real horn comb. I never use soaps, shampoo, or water at all on my hair, except the henna/indigo paste and rinsing it out, around every 4 weeks. I agree with above mention, of cleaning one's combs every so often of sebum. I use a strip of dental floss to clean between the tines of the combs. I only do this when i notice that combing doesn't seem to be effective on removing grease. Then i know it is time to clean the combs.
For my body, i do a "Tudor" style dry bath (from the book "How to Live Like a Tudor"), with real linen rags and a spritzer bottle of distilled rainwater. The only body part for which i use soap are my feet.
This keeps me smelling sweet all day. I noticed when i went to town and used city water, that i started to smell during the morning. So i re-washed with some of my distilled rainwater which i had packed, and that corrected it!
I have been washing this way for years now. It is nice to be free of the toiletries and also to use so much less water. I have also previously tried soapwort, soapnuts, vinegar, baking soda, and shampoo bars, and this current has worked best for me.
I also just brush my teeth with baking soda, with the blessing of my dentist for over 10 years. Followed with flossing and occasional diluted peroxide swishing for brightening.