Gene Tallent

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since May 18, 2024
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So wait,will two pawpaws grown from seeds from the same fruit pollinate one another?

Did my permaculture nursery sell me a pig in a poke?
8 months ago
Until I finally get it all mulched and planted, I have 2+ acres of weedy grasses that have to be mowed, constantly it seems.  I have it down to about 4 big patches my wife can do with a gas riding mower from last century, while I get the edges of the property, and around the house with a gas self propelled walk behind and a string trimmer.

It's been 2 years and so far I have converted about a 1/4 to 1/2 an acre into a potager garden and food forest.  If deer weren't so plentiful, I'd probably be farther along.
8 months ago