Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Steven Baxter

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since Mar 22, 2011
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Thanks Ranson, I would have to agree that observation, especially over time is a huge advantage. Soil does interest me very much. In fact, no matter where I live I'm always growing something and have compost worms and compost.

I'm glad you brought up the metal work and wood work. My job in the Air Force we do rough carpentry, fine woodworking, welding, sheet metal layout, interior finish, roofing, doors, protective coatings, drop ceilings, masonry and concrete, should I keep going? Haha

This job has provided me with the skills to build my own house. Although I don't do electrical, which would be another skill/certificate I would like to get
7 years ago
Ranson, I totally agree with you. Sometimes being educatedd on certain subjects makes you "blind" in some ways.

Elizabeth, I will check that out. Thank you!
7 years ago

James Freyr wrote:If I could go back in time, I would get a degree in soil biology/science. I'm not sure if accredited universities offer permaculture or gardening degrees.

Thanks James! Soil science is on the top of my list."If I could go back in time" advice is some of the best advice
7 years ago
I would like to have a farm in the future. A permaculture/polyculture farm. What college degree would best compliment having this type of farm?

I am active duty military and we get money for college while on active duty (not the GI Bill). I have seen so many different degrees which makes it hard to choose which would be most beneficial.

I have seen certificate programs which are great, but I need to be in a bachelor's program that is an ONLINE course.

I have seen degrees in agriculture, soil science, horticulture, crop and soil science, sustainable agriculture, organic agriculture, agroecolgy, sustainable food and farming. There are just so many!

A degree which is more science based than business based would be what I would like. Dankeshön
7 years ago
As mentioned, Olomana Gardens sells composting worms, vermicast, vermicast with eggs and worms, and large burrowing worms. His farm produces worms and vermicast everywhere on the farm. in his grow beds, under his chicken coupes, and in bins. He has an abundance of worms from years and years of raising them. I visited his farm and i saw at least a dozen 50 gallon totes filled to the brim with pure vermicast. He also sells numerous things grown on his farm.

Another lady in Honolulu has a workshop to set up a worm compost bin she also sells the worms and vermicast. At the time it was $30 you get 1 ounce of worms and a small plastic pot to put your worms in to start you compost bin. She teaches you how to care for, raise, and harvest worms and castings.

So yes it is possible to make an income, yet it looks like some time may be needed to build up a supply of worms without wiping out the population selling them all.
11 years ago
I have access to heaps of dryer lint, any ideas?
12 years ago
I'm doing a 15 min speech on permaculture to people who have most likely never heard of the term. I have been doing lots of searches on the internet. I have found hundreds of definitions, yet most if not all of them are over complicated and confusing to a person who may not know what it is.

I need help to come up with a definition for my introduction of the speech.

Have any ideas?
12 years ago
I know if you make EM and spray that on compost it really helps develop lots of beneficial bacteria. is also a way to make EM with rice, a google search will lead you in the right way for the recipe.
I made bokashi 1 time using bran. Didn't really see any benefit to it, but I may have done it wrong.
13 years ago

Chris Gilliam wrote:

Not that I know of. I'm in Biloxi (Vancleave) during the work week.

Sad face indeed

13 years ago