Below are excerpts from an intro to "Natural Farming" as systematized in Korea. This was put together as a response to the Western mechanization of agriculture happenig during the 1960's there. The founder at that time was persecured, tortured, but now his system is used nation wide.
The major key for livestock keeping is the growing of positive microbes that are used to treat the stalls, pens, hay, sawdust etc. These turn the whole process into a vastly simpler one.
They have systematized the whole process of chicken growing stage by stage, to teh extent where I have seen figures that one man can care for 5,000 chickens. And farmers in S. Korea are said to be making six figure incomes.
Here is an overview of what this system will do for chicken raising. Livestock barn with no pollution
There's no pollution from Natural Farming livestock barns. Natural Farming livestock barns and pens do not discharge any wastewater. When feces from livestock fall on the floor, it is quickly decomposed by powerful micro-organism activities. Concrete is not used on the barn floor. The floor is in direct contact with the soil which teems with micro-organisms. The floor consists of a mixture of rice straws, sawdust, and fresh soil. There is no need to clean or remove animal waste and feces from Natural Farming barns even after many years of use. They do not pile up; they are decomposed with little smell. Natural Farming barns do not smell. Natural resources, such as the sunlight, efficient air circulations and micro-organisms, are utilized to maintain the floor dry and fluffy. It is a common sight to see a Natural Farming barns or pens right next to a resident building.
No artificial heating
Natural Farming barns and pens do not need any artificial heating. Instead of using fossil fuel or electricity to provide heating, we help the livestock to develop the natural resistance against cold. Natural Farming chickens grow short, tough and dense hair whereas ordinary chickens have long, soft and sparse hair. In cold regions, the heat coming from fermentation of compost is utilized to maintain a comfortable temperature level in the barn.
Natural Feed made locally by Farmers
Natural Feed made locally by Farmers. Chickens are fed with whole brown rice grains and bamboo leaves immediately after hatching. Tough fiber-rich feed strengthens their intestines. Animals raised by Natural Farming methodology are healthy, strong and have little diseases.