In my town, some are creating a "time exchange"program-
a little different than bartering. In bartering, at least in NJ, one must pay tax on the transaction, in time xchange - no.
This is an example of one: Basically you sign up for what services you can offer, and what you would like to obtain. There is a central database. So if I need someone to mow my
lawn I can get it, I don't have to at that moment do an exchange. I am "in the red" for an exchange, which I can then provide to any person who is in the network.
nancy sutton wrote:
Thanks, Ludi! I've been reading wiki on gift economy---very enlightening And I'm waiting for a new book 'Debt: The First 5,000 Years' which also confirms that gifting preceded bartering.
There may be some way stations before we get to gifting. The share economy already exists, as at Lincoln Electric, and 'open book management' (see Jack Stack) also fosters 'we're all in together'; there's Mondragon in Spain and other cooperatives; plus worker owned businesses, etc. Lots going on but few highlighted very often.
As I've said before, I think this cooperation is very typical of biological success (I forget the biologists' names), and if we're imitating nature, we permies should consider it in light of living the Third Ethic (however it is defined).