Phil, Welcome to
gardening! I agree with everything above. I personally don't space my plants nearly as far apart as most seek packets say.
For onions: a friend shared with me a few years ago that transformed my onion planting. He said that if I plant three in a spot 6" apart (not very deep) all three will grow nice round bulbs. So, I tried it and it works. I always start onion seeds in a small container or flat. You can just spread them out fairly close together and then cover them with a little growing medium of your choice (I use river loam that I get myself from the river). When the onions have two or three "leaves" I transplant them. Soaking the whole bunch in
water allows for the
roots to come apart easily. I take two or three in one hand, use my trowel in the other, stab the ground with the trowel, pull the soil apart a little and then insert the 2 or 3 little onion plants into the crevice, drop some water on the roots, remove the trowel, push the dirt down and together.
Planting two or three at a time in this manner goes very fast. Last week I just transplanted a whole seed packet of Walla-Wallas. Good luck on your first garden!