The bee in your photo sure looks like a carpenter bee-- check out that black spot in between the wings and compare to the
bees on this website: Thing is, carpenter bees are called that because they like to dig into
But wait! Maybe they're miner bees (a.k.a. ground bees, digger bees, dirt bees, mud bees, chimney bees, and of course mining or miner bees). Turns out 70% of the bee species on this planet nest in the ground. Lucky you if you've got happy miner bees in the embankment -- they're great pollinators! Anthophora abrupta aren't aggressive and aren't defensive of their nests. They don't sting unless really provoked (like you're pulling their wings off or squishing them).
I'd say encourage them by planting wildflowers nearby. Check out for more info.