I found a huge patch of what I think are chokeberries. Because they're red and I wasn't sure what they were, I didn't pick any. If I can find a good use for them, I'll harvest them. Don't want to do so if I won't use them. A little help, please.
I can't tell anything from your photo. Can you take some closer pictures for us? We need to be able to see if the leaves are exactly opposite on the stem, or alternate. A close up of the leaf that shows the pattern of the leaf edge and veins are also helpful. Sometimes a picture that shows the cross section of fruit and seed shape.
Chokecherries, when ripe, are a dark enough purple that they look black. You might have pincherries there. Chokecherry and crabapple jelly is my favourite, pincherries would probably be good for that too. They would probably be good mushed and dried into fruit leather, although you would want to be sweetening them somehow.