we have just moved into a 90's pre-fab wooden house in New Zealand (start of winter - with frosts many mornings). It has no
wood stove and no insulation.
We have limited budget, and so are trying to cut our power bill, particularly in terms of heating.
Wood stove is too epensive to install to town council regulations ($6000 ++++). As we are setting up 8 acres organically and need to heat
compost it all anyway, we are trying to heat at least our
hot water in compost heaps, and hope to have
enough heat to heat the house or then will look at making some sort of
rocket stove outside and bringing the heat into the house with radiators.
We also want to look at temporary methods of insulating the house to keep the heat in.
Also hope to make an outdoor cook house for the major cooking.
We are also wondering about making a wind turbine to make some of our remaining electricity. Have seen various "make it ourself" on the website, but wondering which is the best, and also wondering how much it is worth the time an money by the time you buy the inverter and batteries. Any esperience of of someone that has made their own wind turbine and made it worth its while?
should it be down the bottom of our list of priorities? (We also have 8 acres to set up as organic gardens).