Michael Dotson wrote:When my two kids were growing up we took a lot of road trips. Boredom spawned the fights in the back seat, so we did the 'I spy' thing and the 'VW bug' thing, but that only went so far. These days there are screens in the backs of the front car seats to play movies for the little darlings.
Yea that was a lot of fun for them until they hit 8 or 9, then they were too cool for dad...
What was your favorite travel games with your kids?
As a child who was in the back seat a lot as we were transferred from California to Maryland, or all the other fun, we played a lot of I Spy, read books, slept, played license plate
games, and tried not to bother the driver too much. In a Vega, in the mid 70s, was not the time to be challenging a grumpy driver. Once it was noted that imagination games, song singing, and "If I had a Million Dollars" or whatever other thing that the parents could invent were on the "Way too irritating" end of the scale, we had books, easy yarn and weaving crafts, and other things to keep us from imploding.
I can't think of anything that was a favorite, but that could be age creeping up on me.
I still like those little looms, though. And have started to play with an I-cord maker in hopes of turning baby pink acrylic yarn into a trash collecting bag's drawstring.