Hi everyone. This isn't a very urgent question, just a curious questions.
My relatives have always loved having pine
trees in their back
yard. They've planted about 50 of these things and have had no trouble. They plant roughly 8-10 more every 5 years or so. Last year they planted 4 new ones. 3 Are doing great but the blue pine (Which they have planted before and have always been successful) has grown about 3 feet and has stopped. I remember reading about an instance where a couple had a cherry tree that wasn't producing well. So, they planted horseradish around the base of the tree and it did wonders. The cherry tree produced more, the horseradish produce abundantly and kept the weeds from growing. I'm wondering if there is a similar thing I can do that may get the blue pine growing more. Blue pine is my Aunts favorite and every time I'm over at her house she tells me how upset she is over it's stunted growth. I was hoping I could figure it out for her and give her a possible solution.
-Thanks all
Don't forget what you are standing on,
Don't forget what gives you life,
Breathe in deep, look up and out again,
Gaze off softly into night.