We lost two batches of eggs to a snake. Mama hen had been on them for 10 days the first time, snake got them all, then we put in new eggs. New Hampshire is our chosen breed. When the old rooster croaks, we'll have exclusively NH roosters.
Five days later, a snake got most eggs again. I had only taken the first 300 yards away, but locals said that's not far
enough. The second snake went to snake heck, or wherever they go.
I didn't know if it was healthy for the mama to continue on with another set of eggs. I checked with our
local chicken guru. She said a mama hen will break off by herself if she's done. but we
should give her room to do so, food and
So I built her a sturdy snake-proof mini-coop from a big dog training cage. In it she has her little egg nest
cardboard box with pine shavings. She can get out at will to
poop, eat, drink water. The only thing she doesn't have is a dust bath. And she's itchy we can tell, but we don't see any mites. She also has a touch of diarrhea, but our
chicken guru says a brooding hen will do that often.
Only 4 days to go now! Go, mama hen!