I have a lot of rattlesnake master this year! It's been raining a lot, and some of it is over 4 feet tall.
Weird looking perennialnative plant, related to the carrot family, but you'd not guess that by seeing it. When I first saw them I thought "thistle crossed with yucca, what on EARTH is it?" A really good write up on it I found https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/Eryngium-yuccifolium.shtml says pollinators love it.
Has anyone ever gathered the seeds? Any advice for me doing so? It's a cool one, and too much of it is in an area I need to mess with the soil, to make terraces and swales etc. I want some seed stashed as soon as I can.
I wonder if there are any local native plant people who would want some seeds or plants? Not sure how rare they are around here, if anyone would be wishing they could find some. hmm...