Well hi guys and gals.
im completely green as a pickle with all this. I've recently become interested in learning to live off of the
land after scaring myself silly learning about climate change and all the many uncertainties were likely to face going forward.
I have a very young daughter and its for her sake i want to learn. it would be irresponsible for me to not know more about self sufficiency.
I am also enjoying having this new found hobby and the learning process.
so far the scope of what i have done is to have two household bins with holes drilled and filled with things to make
compost. ive a lot of questions even on that first small step so yeah there is a lot, a heck of a lot still to learn.
my back garden isn't huge by any means and it probably is a bit lacking in sun as there are a lot of
trees close by.
on top of this i am also learning about edibles to be found out in the wilderness.
well anyway, my introduction is a bit rambling i know but then again so am i so it is fitting.
Cheers everyone.