I have long wanted to make one of those broken pot fairy gardens.
I was a bit inspired to make this happen by
George's Stumpy the Gnome post.
Recently I broke one of my pots... completely by accident. Perfect!
I love taking broken things and making them into
art (see my
shoji aquarium).
I finally put my mind to it and made this little fairy garden come together.
It's just an invitation and a place to be for the little folk. We'll see if I get any fey visitors in the days to come.
I had to break the broken bits a bit more to get them to fit inside as a retaining wall. I also needed a secondary pot to hold the soil in the bottom. I used coco coir to fill gaps. The soil fill is from under my gravel area, I dug out a bunch to plant out some blueberries, and it's full of small rocks and low quality soil. Perfect.
I picked some moss off of another area of the gravel and kept it as intact as possible to make a fairy
I lashed some bits of sticks together to make a ladder. My son put the slide in, so I found a thin chestnut dud... one of the little slim ones that's no good for eating, and I put it by the slide. Maybe the fairies will use it to protect their bums from the bumpy rock slide.
I looked around for some good sitting rocks and put in a stone slab for a table. I had to stabilize it with some moss to keep it from being too tippy to hold my guests' food and drink. I found some turkey tail
mushroom caps for seat cushions and some empty snail shells for drinking horns.