Thank you for your rely!
My goals would be:
1. To grow most everything I eat - Looking at what I currently eat, is mostly annuals,
chicken, and pork. I have a lot of food intolerances so I don't plan on growing anything I don't currently eat. The side yard is about the only suitable place to expand my annual production but fencing it is not really an option in my mind due to cost, looks, effort required (my partner ended up going to physio after building the last
fence thanks to the copious amount of large boulders that had to be moved to put in ground stakes for the posts). I don't see much point in animals unless I could grow most of their
2. Keep the side and front yard "pretty" - the front yard is finished and has a septic field so nothing more can be added here. If I were to grow anything "ugly" like potatoes in the side yard I would want some sort of border between the driveway.
3. No additional mowing - the front yard was seeded in a no mow mixture but grass moved in and ruined that plan. The side and back yards need to be no mow.
4. Finish the backyard - it's bare fill brought in by dump truck and tall weeds and wild raspberry are beginning to take over.
To mention a few of your suggested goals -
We don't entertain and we don't have children. We relax in the front yard setting area with firepit thanks to the thick tree cover between us and the road. Money is limited but my time is not, his time is very limited come summer/fall. I'm happy to slowly make additions as money allows. We are deeply private people so there wont be too many others on the property. If I could grow something to sell to supplement what I cant grow that would be a lovely bonus. We are surrounded by plenty of wild habitat so we don't plan to add more. Plants I hate - anything that smells bad (looking at you spirea and boxwood) and I have an irrational hate for calendula and marigolds.