Hi Jane;
Your options are limited when weight and travel are an issue.
A 6" J tube would be large and heavy.
As Fox suggested a small batchbox might be a better choice in your situation.
How much traveling do you do and in what condition are the roads?
I'm thinking a 4 or 5" batch.
That would be small enough that even with heavy firebrick weight should not be an issue, but still crank out a lot of heat.
You would need a metal containment such as angle iron or perhaps a metal box to keep your stove together when traveling.
As far as using water tanks to be a mass.
This is a good idea but implementing it into your space could be problematic.
I'm sure it can be done but I do not have any valid suggestions as to how you would accomplish this.
On-site evaluation is the best way to come up with a plan.
Have you visited Peter Bergs Batchbox website?
Here is the link.