I get it. I'm a planner. I plan ahead. WAY ahead. There are no "day of" plans made lol. Unless there was a plan to make a 'day of" plan and keep a block of time open.
I have blocks of time set aside for projects and for errands. I have blocks of time set aside for "pre-visitor" blocks of time. I want to clean, straighten up, exercise my dogs ahead of time, put them away before guests arrive, and make sure that anything I would have done later in the day that I now won't be able to do is done ahead of time instead.
Not that I"m "house proud" but my house is VERY small and I have a large personal space bubble. If more people are going to be in my space I need to make room for them.. put all projects or laundry, etc. OUT of the space we'll be using and just carve out some room.
As an introvert, social time, while enjoyed, is exhausting and draining for me. I need to PLAN to have
enough energy reserves to handle it, and I need to PLAN my recovery time. It can't happen back to back with a full 10 hour client interaction work day, for example.
If I can get away with it, I Just won't
answer my door if someone shows up unannounced/ unplanned. I mean, aside from emergencies.