We are trying to install 6 swales, on contour, to partition a 165' by 165' plot of gentle grade into 5 paddock spaces, of more or less equal area. Given the relatively small size of this
project and the short length of the swales, we are curious as to how best to design the ends of each
swale to best utilize excess
water that may not absorb into the paddock spaces and swale plantings. We have a relatively clay rich soil here in Central New York State (zone 5A). The plot is sometimes water logged during rainy season and the swales will serve to mitigate this as much as to prepare for dry spells. We were hoping to dig catchment pools at each end of each swale so that a pool defining the upper boarder of each paddock space might supply that paddock with a watering trough during wet seasons. I have attached a sketch of this concept.
We were also considering establishing Krater gardens of some sort as an alternative to catchment pools for watering troughs. Ideally we would like to utilize the run off water, which will likely be rich with bio-nutrients in some fashion. But have no
experience with swales so far and would welcome any advice the community might have.