Oh neat, someone saw my post! :)
My impression, thought I'm not sure now if I read this when learning about SKIP/PEP or intuited it through observation as I started acquiring badges, is that for us regular (non-staff) participants, we are only eligible to judge/certify BBs if we have both: completed that
BB ourselves and also completed the badge that is part of. And it's evident that some pool of staff can certify BBs that they haven't completed but I'm not really sure if that's just a specific handful of you or everyone and whether you have broad certification rights or custom-fit -- it's a curiosity but doesn't really matter. If my first assertion about certification is generally correct, either oddball is a special case or it's bugged. Either way, it might be better if the software only lets me judge oddball BBs when the submitter is lower-ranked in oddball than I am. And I can still opt not to when I don't feel qualified.