One good way I have to use leftover chicken is what my family call "risotto" (but would probably make a true italian blanch!) tasty and easy one pot recipe though:
Fry an onion in a little oil (don't all good recipes start this way?!)
add a couple of rashers of streaky bacon if you have them, cut into half inch bits and stir in.
add the rice (long grain uncooked - we never use risotto rice) and stir until coated in oil. Add the chicken bits, stir.
Add stock cubes and herbs if using. I would probably use a bit of mixed herbs. Maybe a small amount of yeast extract and worcester sauce for extra yum, stir.
add anything else you fancy that needs cooking: we like mushrooms, but you could put
root vegetables or aubergines in, stir.
add water (or stock if you have it) to just cover everything, put a lid on the pan and leave for the rice to cook. Take the lid off to stir occasionally, and check whether it will need more liquid. With brown rice it takes about 35-40 minutes.
When the rice is nearly done, add anything that doesn't need (much) cooking: chunks of pineapple, peas, sweetcorn, sweet peppers, flaked almonds, cashew nuts, sultanas, stir through till heated.
Serve with green veg or salad if you like, but we tend to just eat as is.
If you use tinned pineapple the juice can also go in with the water to cook the rice. You could probably make this with uncooked chicken too (we always used leftover roast chicken) if so make sure it is browned all over before adding the liquid, it might be worth adding it before the rice to make that easier.
I think this is probably more like a paella than risotto, since it is usually drier rather than porage like.