You know you're from Colorado Springs if you give directions using cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and expect people to understand and follow them without a compass.
You know you are from Colorado Springs if you know where "in the Keiths" is.
You know you are from Colorado Springs if you need a public endorsement from your pastor if you want to run for political office.
You know you are from Houston if you refuse to use I10 inside the beltway during hurricane season.
You know you are from Houston if you regularly drive on a spaghetti bowl
You know you are from Houston if the bumper to bumper traffic is doing 90mph
You know you are from Houston if you can tell people how to get to Sesame Street.
You know you are from Tacoma if your best life is lived when the mountain is out.
You know you are from Tacoma if you yield when the light turns green to an oncoming left turn.
You know you are from Washington when you have to explain to people
online that you and the president live on opposite sides of the country at least monthly.