John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." C.S. Lewis
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." C.S. Lewis
I don't own the plants, they own me.
John C Daley wrote:I come from the school of;
Do it right eventually!
Its damaged and not working, after 60 years there should be some cash to do it properly now, no joins, just a clean straight run that will work forever.
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Matt Todd wrote:An alternative (I have done for a similar situation) is to take a reciprocating saw with a long blade and cut into the ground at a 45 degree angle. Then I ran the pex along the cut and stuffed it in. This got it below the sod so there would be no fear of mowing over it. Not frost proof by any means, but I blow it out at the end of the season.
Nails are sold by the pound, that makes sense.
Soluna Garden Farm -- Flower CSA -- plants, and cut flowers at our Boston Public Market location, Boston, Massachusetts.
Country oriented nerd with primary interests in alternate energy in particular solar. Dabble in gardening, trees, cob, soil building and a host of others.
But why do you have six abraham lincolns? Is this tiny ad a clone too?
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