I got a chuckle out of this story.
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/01/240122140408.htm Apparently the potatoes that I plant and harvest by hand produce 5-6 times more
carbon than the potatoes that get from hundreds of miles away. I know I breathe a little heavy when digging up the potatoes, but I never figured I made more CO2 per pound of potatoes than a
tractor tilling, planting, spraying, and harvesting. Potatoes are my most reliable crop so that's what I'm using as an example.
Some MSM stories telling us all how evil
gardening is:
Here's my translation from the new speak to common english:
We have paid for a scientific study that has proven, just as we paid for, that you having control of your own food supply is bad for the environment. Every time you plant a vegetable garden the polar bears die off, and many species go extinct. To solve this problem the mega corporations will take control of your food supply, and you can be a good boy or girl by eating the lab grown cancer cells and bugs.
Sorry if this is a repost of a similar
thread, I haven't been on the forum much lately.