What have you seen work?
Has anyone tried planting bear
Someone has an irregular nursery nearby and they
sell potted huckleberries, which are not allowed to be removed from the National forests. I don't think they are stealing them or digging them, though. I think they are propagating them. They are a trick to get a hold of, so I will get back to you if I ever hear how they do it. I bought a Bearss lime from them last year and killed it, so I'm hoping to run into them again. But meanwhile...
They say huckleberries can't be propagated because they need a high altitude to grow, but this is obviously a lie. There are little remnant low-elevation huckleberry bushes all over the place, in very protected areas that don't have a lot of weed pressure. They were probably growing right down to the valley a few hundred years ago, like most of the mountain plants, before the forests were all cut and European transplants, grass and asphalt took over. This is from a Western US perspective of
course, but all mountainous regions probably have their desirable species that no longer grow at low elevation due to weed pressure.
So my point is, someone planted them. They don't spread by themselves, so they were planted, or the
land was protected from weedy species and some animal planted them. So how did it happen? I'm hoping someone has an idea. I'm going to try bear poop. I love garden planning season!