aloha pumehana,
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
"The divine test of a man's worth is not his theology but his life."
Morris Joseph
"You must create your own system or be enslaved by another's"
William Blake
You would be much easier to understand if you took that bucket off of your head. And that goes for the tiny ad too!
2024 Permaculture Adventure Bundle