Kelly Kitchens wrote:Jeff,
Mark addressed your question here:
Mark Sundeen wrote:Jeff, I don't know who--if anyone--is joining Suelo's group, or how they would respond to a life threatening illness. Ultimately it's the thing people, including myself, are most curious about. As I put it to Suelo: are you actually willing to die for this belief system? He has said that he would accept medical care if it was freely given by a doctor or nurse. He has also said he wouldn't want to be a burden to society and thinks that when his time comes, he will accept that. There's no saying what he will do when push comes to shove. Although he has lived without money happily for 12 years, he has made no vow or promise to do it another 12 years or 12 days. One thing I can say about him is that he honestly doesn't seem to be afraid of dying, which struck me as different than most Americans and Westerners that I know. Thanks for the question!
Mark Sundeen wrote:What I learned from working with Suelo was not, as I expected, that money was bad and that we should feel terrible for ever using or having any. Suelo is not a scold, and he doesn't live this way as if wearing a hairshirt. When people say, Don't you miss having money? he says something like: Does a bird miss having money? In other words, he doesn't feel like he's suffering, or going without. Instead he feels MORE FREE than ever, because instead of doing what was expected of him, he followed his heart, which was telling him to follow the teachings from Buddha, Christ, LaoTze about freeing yourself spiritually. When people ask him advice, he doesn't say quit money, or even use less money, he says, spend the time to learn what your heart wants, and follow it. So that I think is what has influenced me most about him. What I never wanted to do in this life is to work at something I hated just for money. I've been blessed to be able to work at what I love--writing, currently--and find that enough money follows so that I don't have to go out and do something else. (I also teach writing part time, and that's also something I enjoy). I've dedicated most of my life to doing things that pay poorly or not at all, and hanging out with Suelo gave me confidence to pursue those things more, to not worry if what I like isn't someone else's idea of success, and to have faith that if I follow that right livlihood, the finances will work themselves out one way or another. Great question, Kelly. Thanks!
Bloom where you are planted.
Steven Fall wrote:No. It's kindof a hard one to google as well; do you remember it enough to tell the story?
Mark Sundeen wrote:Great story link, Jeff. Thanks!
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