B Olsen wrote:Hello! I have a Katahdin lamb ewe that I’ve noticed recently is interested in pulling/eating my LGDs fur. She’ll also eat it if she finds a fluff of it on the ground. Im wondering if she is looking for a specific mineral? I’m located in maine and she is on pasture, she was a bottle baby. Someone in the flock is also spitting cud which I suspect is her as well but I haven’t witnessed it yet. Thanks for any input!
To anyone interested we did lose her last night. I'm still not sure what the cause was-- there are so many different things that can lead to scour. We ended up quarantining her, giving her fresh
water, mineral block and salt block. What was weird to me is that she never lost her appetite and she kept drinking water. Before bed I tried a small amount of a baking soda drench because she was green around the mouth and I figured maybe it was an imbalance in her rumen. Honestly, what was on her face could also have been from her back end but I couldn't tell for sure. She went downhill very fast.
She definitely was the on the lower end of status in the flock so I'm just wondering if for a while she wasn't able to access the best resources in the pasture? Since she was a bottle baby, she was very friendly with us and vocal whenever we were around and that never changed. Maybe she did get more vocal at the end but I just didn't see it. She was also a bottle baby because her mom had rejected her, she never got colostrum and we raised her on a mix of formula and goats
milk from one of our does. Perhaps the mom had rejected her because she knew she was weak?
Such a hard reality. Just sad and frustrated. We will be rotating our flock on to new pasture and doing a drench for parasites just to be sure-- any recommendations for a mixed flock of goats and sheep on the best product? Thanks.