We recently inherited an enormous pile of antique brick from a turn of the century schoolhouse chimney tear-down. We were SO EXCITED, thinking, "Man, this is perfect for our
RMH project!". Got the brick home, put together an
RMH mockup in the driveway with the nicest bricks we could find in the pile, stoked up a super hot fire and let it rip for a couple hours. Once everything had cooled down, to our utter dismay, we discovered quite a few hairline cracks on the brick faces in the burn chamber. I read in the RMH manual by Ianto Evans that the old, soft, orange brick is often best for building an RMH, even when some of the bricks are broken, cracked, etc, they can still be used sometimes. So, are these bricks garbage? Or do we use them with the assumption that the
cob and mortar are going to go a long way toward holding everything together? Input please.