Sorry no pic due to my lack of IT Skills .
Ben Goldacre is a doctor , a real medical practicioner working in a hospital in London in this book he goes into battle with both big pharma and quacks . Dont be put off if you live in the states the same applies to the medicine there
With advice explaining why clever people believe stupid things , how statistics are misused , the role of the press in health scares and AIDS in south Africa.
It reveals how we are manipulated by our fears what the real risks are and how big pharma is behind a lots of herbal quackery . It uses humour and reveals the maths to show what drugs really do and what is the placebo effect and how interesting it is .
If you want a look at modern medicine and the supposed alturnative medicine that really isnt with humour wit and hope then I would recommend this book to you .
PS try out the introduction and chapter one on amazon - where he shows you how to detox a Barbie doll and reveals the truth about Hopi Ear Wax candles