I have, yes! I even checked out their ebook on how they did it and all. It's great what they've accomplished - I hope someday I'm able to stay be sustainable!
I'm actually in a very similar environment, too, but in an area that's about 10 degrees cooler and with maybe 5 inches of rain more a year.
I've really considered doing something like this, because so much of it appeals, but in the end decided not to. I think it might be something I'll look into in the future, but there's just enough differences to make parts of it less appealing. Two of the biggest differences are...
- the wind in our area - I'm in an area where the vegetation has been so stripped down (nearby
cattle) that the wind has no barriers at all before it hits the house. It has snapped tree limbs that were 5 inches across before. The
local farmers I've talked to who live near me have a horrible time trying to keep their green houses from blowing over or the supports snapping during one of the big winds. I'm trying to grow some wind breaks, but obviously that's going to be a bit before they're effective. This has been not just a problem for any green house structures for me, but also any
solar paneling, as well. I'm sure I'll figure it out, but it's tricky so far.
- the wildlife - I live on the edge of the desert rather than in a
city, so we get hawks, coyotes, a herd of javalinas (wild peccaries), and a bobcat that come into my
yard regularly. If I keep
chickens or any other animal, I'm going to need a much more secure housing for them. I'm sure that's doable, but the cost and labor are going to take a while, so I have not even considered keeping any animals outside yet. I don't think I'd even be able to keep fish if I wasn't looking at a deep pond like this pool, where they could get low enough to escape predation. And the animals will all be drawn to the water - my pool has been a water source for years, now. Which has actually greatly benefited the yard, as the birds keep the insect population down on my plants, and they all add nutrients to the soil when they come, visit, and
poop in the yard. They have also given me a huge number of plant volunteers, most of them local edible plants. ^_^
And if I was honest, I like the physical look of a pond with rocks and all. I have a chronic illness so I am rarely able to leave my home and yard. Having something just for beauty, but that has a vitality and life so that it always shows me something new, is something of great value to me, you know?