Scott Stiller : Any material that is laid crossways to the flow of the gully will slow it down and cause it to drop its suspended particles .
I have seen small crosswise trenches barely scratched across gullies into which old beams
wood siding storm damaged materials and
even X-mass
trees split in half lengthways and laid down to slow the flow of the
water, this is more effective than pile in a brush pile
on top as most of the entanglement is above the coursing water !
local boy scout troupe was able to follow these simple techniques to do a little gentle terra forming to create an amphitheater with
raised log seating and a flat as a billiard table Flat presentation space !
If your job is really big you could google
Gabion baskets for erosion control, and there is also Gabion mattresses for medium
sized problems or just more help with the hard ones !
permaculture guy from down under shows uses of Gabions in desert locations for stream control in a video on his Free Site !
Big AL