For the book promos in the past, we picked two
winners and then they were supposed to reply within 24 hours with their address
and tell us who referred them to permies so we could give the referrers
a copy as well.
However, oftentimes the winners would not claim their
prize or would just tell us that google referred them so we only end up giving
away one or two of the
books. SO, we have decided to add a new way for
people to get the free books. Here's how it will work:
We will do the normal picking of the winners Friday morning. Then, depending
on how many winners claim their books, there will be a few more copies to be
given away. For example this week both of our winners said google referred
them so we have two more books to give away!
I will then pick a forum that needs a little love and send out a dailyish on
Sunday announcing which forum that will be. Whoever posts the best quality post in that
forum before Monday morning will get a free copy! The post needs to have at
least one picture and can be either a question or just something relevant and interesting.
I will choose the best two and announce all 4 of the winners in a little
video blog I will be creating on Monday. More on that to come.
This week the forum that needs some love is the
ecovillage forum! Let's see
what you all come up with.
You DO need to be signed up for the daily-ish email to win. And to even see the announcement about which forum it is happening in.