Does anyone have
experience with efficiently turning under a green manure crop and prepping fine seedbed using small machinery? And, no, moldboard plow/rototiller is not desired.
In general, what I want is no inversion of soil layers and no pulverizing of soil structure, ijust a shallow prep of the soil, just skimming of say no deeper than 5-10cm. Can a goosefoot plow with a selfpropelled "clodcrusher" do the trick? And will a towheel
tractor get the job done(with wheelweights)?
For strongrooters (cabbage) I understand that a simple mowing followed by puncturing the sod where transplants go, but with carrots its another story....
And for smaller areas, will a "unbreakable broadfork" (google it) suffice, followed by for instance a dose of
compost tea to speed up composting...?
Welding own equipment no problem..Any help greatly appreciated!