We have been blessed. Our offer has been accepted on this 15-acre homestead. We're expected to close in three weeks. This will be in addition to our first 10-acre parcel where we've already begun converting to a permaculture/regenerative farm. We're very excited to get going on this new 15 acres (especially since it has a house already), but knowing I have a 30' X 48' barn and a new 32' X 30' shop all within the zone 1/zone 2 area near the house has me very stoaked!
Miles -- I'm flattered that you remembered I had another place. My 10-acre place is about 9 miles away, but within the same general area. I plan on keeping and working both. So, we'll be making 25 acres into permie heaven instead of just 10.
http://www.cloud9farms.com/ - Southern Colorado - Zone 5 (-19*f) - 5300ft elevation - 12in rainfall plus irrigation rights
Dairy cows, "hair" sheep, Kune Kune pigs, chickens, guineas and turkeys
This is my favorite show. And this is my favorite tiny ad: