Any golfers out there ruining their long walks by knocking balls around know
the answer to this, perhaps?
I have noted elsewhere that sand is good for filling in low spots in lawns.
My question: Will it help or hinder to apply(top dress) in high impact areas?
I just have a wee 30x30ft
lawn and seem to have successfully installed a dwarf fescue sod lawn (all available in my area at the time, Saw tall fescue could be heartier). We have
alot of folks trailing from one door to anothe and into the hot ub ahhh... here in our 3 unit semi commune. We share this here dirt patch and like the turf. Will it help to topdress the high impact zones with sand?
currently we move furniture around to change traffic flow.
FYI rich black earth that goes down forever in a high
water table area, that really dries out and hardens in summer.
I roto-tilled and rolled with a 50 gallon plastic barrel prior to sodding. and rolled the sod itself. the lawn has taken
root well and is now very walkable even after a true downpour.
I'm signed up on the cut high/ water infrequently program.