Does anybody know where to buy non omg chickenfeed in Portugal? I normally supplement my chicken diet (kitchen scraps plus a lot of different greens) with only corn and I used to by the only one I found which didn't say OGM. Now the same brand also declares that it "might" contain OGM corn...
I asked in the store but they don't seem to give a damn...
I would like to grow my own next season, but where can I buy seeds?
Thank you guys!!
Trying to find something without GM is a nightmare. But I found a supplier who sells organic chicken food. They are mail order. It isn't cheap but it is organic and my chickens like it as a supplement to whatever else they can find.
I supplement my chickens' diet with whole oats and sunflower seeds, which are not yet genetically modified. The rest of their diet is foraged. Eventually I hope to provide all their diet with forage, which is possible in a warm climate.
Do you feed the whole oat with hull and everything, Tyler Ludens? I am currently giving them whole wheat because I thought they wouldn't like the hull/husk bit...
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