Hi all,
I definitely have a lot more to learn about swales, keylines etc, but we're currently considering buying a property & I need to quickly get some idea about how the swales & access would be done before potentially putting in an offer. (I guess I'm pretty @*# scared about making the wrong decision here, never bought anything more than a laptop in my life & don't have much savings!)
The 9 acre property is a north facing slope starting from the dirt road at about 80m & steadily dropping over about 200m to 40m at the winter-creek (& then rising up the south facing slope from there - but most of the property is the north facing slope & the south facing is
native bushland so we wouldn't touch it much, at least for quite awhile. Note we're in the southern hemisphere.) Currently most of what we'd 'develop' is in pasture, though there is a bit of light bush on the north side of the creekline that we would think about clearing.
A priority for us would be to
swale the property (annual rain variable, 600-1200m), but I'm struggling a bit to see what the best way would be to retain access to the bottom of the slope
should we want to get a bulldozer down there to make a dam or clear more
trees or whatever (We probably won't have the spare money to even put in an application to dam the creek within the first 5 years, but it's always a possibility further down the track when regulations have changed/disappeared). Maintaining a grassed strip along the fenceline would of
course be easiest, but doesn't seem like the best solution to me. What do other people think? If it's only for the occasional access rather than an everyday kind of road, might it be ok?
The only other way I can think of is for like, a hairpin road following the swales, but I don't think driving over the berm/mound at the bottom of the swale is a great either. Though perhaps for that very occasional access that's fine too? We would just have to do a bit of repair afterwards?
About how many swales would be put in over a 40m drop like this?
(Hmm - as another question, what do you think about the winter creek & dam situation? There is another dam not far downstream so we think that would create difficulties in getting permission. Would a dam just above the creek be almost as good?! Or would halfway down the slope be good? Obviously that would affect the access road as well... Or are dams completely superfluous with swales?)
thanks heaps for any advice/suggestions!!