Glenn Herbert wrote:I wouldn't worry about the stainless steel offgassing, but I would be concerned about smokeback from the pocket rocket feed once it is installed inside. What sort of chimney are you planning for this installation?
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positively optimistic 🙂
God of procrastination
John McDoodle wrote:The stainless won't offgas
Rocket Mag evolution timeline:
Rocket Mag Thread:
positively optimistic 🙂
John McDoodle wrote:Fstyles:
What's in the bottom of yours Fstyles? Steel? Or stainless? I didn't know that your stove was so young...
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... it´s about time to get a signature ...
positively optimistic 🙂
So that's too small a rocket for 100m².Luke Smith wrote:not very big about 100 sqm (1000sqft) although we do have very high ceilings, about 4.5 metres high.
The mass would make a difference in the long run for sure but not in instant heat.
Its been a long time since I measured the exit temps but they werent that high, maybe 50 C after I put the bell on it .
God of procrastination
God of procrastination
Trees are our friends
Daniel Schmidt wrote:The exhaust pipe looks very reflective. It probably isn't giving an accurate temperature reading and there could be substantially more heat going out the exhaust. If it is drawing air in that well then that air must be coming from somewhere. It could be that it is pulling an amount of cold air into the house that is killing the efficiency of the stove. In an uninsulated space it probably only effectively warms up the area immediately around it. You could set up one of those reflective emergency blankets and sleep between that and the stove to stay warm but I doubt it could warm the house as-is.
Adding some sort of restriction to the exhaust could help slow down the burn. I remember seeing a video with the exhaust routed into a second barrel that was filled with bricks as a thermal mass, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. Rocks or other mass could also be used. It wouldn't heat the entire place but it could be enough to hold you through till it is warmer when you can build a better stove/heater.
God of procrastination
Satamax Antone wrote:Luke, why not transforming it into a quick batch rocket? There must be a way where you are.
Glenn Herbert wrote:Do you have access to firebricks, or even ordinary old red bricks? If so, there are pretty simple directions for making a batch box and proportioning it correctly on Donkey's forum. Even just feeding your existing "bell" setup should work better than what you have.
Glenn Herbert wrote:
There are other threads describing the overall system, but not in such concentrated form.
God of procrastination
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