I came across 75 bare
root saplings at a
yard sale today. 25 Redbud, 25 Dogwood and 25 Gray Dogwood. A guy had bought them from the state nursery and for some reason didnt want them so I gave him $10 for them. I really dont know what to do with them, I just couldnt pass them up and let them die! I have a big yard so I have room for a few of these to go in permanent homes.
I would like to try my hand at being a nurseryman and grow these up for a year or 2 (or more). Maybe use them for gifts or
sell them at a later date. Question is-how can I plant them now so that they are easy to move in the future? I was thinking of building a
berm out of
compost and mulch them-would that work? Any ideas or direction is appreciated!