if you plant an egg filled with red pepper to give an experience she won't forget.
That's such an ignorant quote to make you wonder if the rest is BS too. Chickens, like all birds, are not deterred by the capsicum in red pepper. It doesn't register for them, in fact, the pepper plant has developed this as a mechanism to deter mammals from eating their fruits (which destroy the seeds in their digestive systems), and to encourage birds to eat them (which disperses their seeds). My birds LOVE when I put hot peppers in the chicken
tractor, they can't get enough.
I've noticed that egg eating is a crime of opportunity. Chickens will test and try almost anything. If an egg is sitting around and there is little else to scratch and peck at, they will try it. Try dumping a
lawn mower bag into their paddock or run. Better yet, dump the garbage on the lawn, run over it a few times with the mower and use that. As long as there are delicious, yummy slugs, roaches,
maggots, sowbugs, vegetable peels, what the baby or the dog threw up to scratch through and pick over, an egg sitting in a nest box is pretty uninteresting.