I'm thinking about getting ducklings and I'm realizing I might be a little late, However we have very mild winters here, daytime temps will rarely be below 50, and nighttime temps are rarely below 32.
What I'm wondering is, and what I have had a hard time answering with the research I've done is: How long do I have to rear them inside? I know
the answer already -it depends, so what I'm looking for is help in estimating the time to see if I
should just wait until spring. My biggest concern is that I have a small house, with a small room and 5 roommates so 8wks would be the maximum amount of time I would want them to be inside.
I read somewhere that they suggested keeping them inside for 12 weeks. 3 months! That sounds absurd to me.
Weather averages for my area: Arcata, CA
Oct: High:60, Low 45
Nov:High:58, low 42
(It is likely to have some nights in the high 30's, unlikely but possible to have some freezes)
I appreciate all help and shared knowledge!