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Paul reviews "
The Man Who Stopped the Desert" with Caleb and Krista. The film is about Yacuba, in the Sahel, just south of the
Sahara Desert. He practiced zai, which is similar to
permaculture. It involves making pits for
water harvesting before the rains came. Yacuba was great at observation. They did something similar to
swales, using small stones. He saw that wealth was more about food than it was about money. Someone burned down his forest, and he realized that he was on the right path since people were getting so upset at him. They used
termites like worms. Caleb mentions that
Bill Mollison had aerial maps of African oases started by termite mounds. It was an inspiring story of persistence though adversity, and successfully deviating from the norm. He couldn't read or write, but really understood nature. He had a dry
compost pit.
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The man who stopped the desert
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