Hi y’all. My wife and I have decided to
sell our 37 forested acres in southern Vermont, within miles of the Massachusetts border, in the town of Readsboro. We had big plans to homestead here, but we’ve found another place closer to where we need to be. So, more about this place:
37 Acres, raw
Long northern boundary borders Green Mountain National Forest
Ownership includes rights to access road along southern boundary
Forest type: Northern Hardwood, with maple, spruce, hemlock, beech, birch.
South-facing slopes, with cleared level ⅓ acre undeveloped home site.
Small spring/or seep
pond at top of property.
Great footings in place for a cabin
Mushrooms galore
Awesome seasonal neighbors
There is a decrepit cabin on the property, overlooking the adjacent property's beautiful beaver ponds. We had ambitions to rehab this cabin, but I honestly think it would be better to demo the place and use its old, high quality, unheaved footings to put a new cabin on. (This cabin location is not at the abovementioned cleared level ⅓ acre undeveloped home site.) This is the first time we’ve posted our lovely place - we’d really rather offer it to
permaculture minded folks, if we can help it. We are asking $65K for it. I’ll be happy to
answer any and all questions about it.