I disagree, for me the hardest part is not starting, it is finishing strong. Starting takes motivation, but I have always been a motivated person, it is when I near the middle that I start to get discouraged. "I am only part way", I lament to myself, then think about how hard it has been, and how so much has yet to be done...oh the halfway point is troubling times indeed. That just makes holding out and finishing strong that much harder! But that is what matters! That is where to put your greatest effort. That is where the reward is! Not partially completed. Not done with ho-hum plodding, but with zeal and pride!!
Starting out, that matters too and comes in a VERY close second place in my opinion. You gotta start. And for every
project that gets proposed, 15 people will have reasons why it can't...it just plain
should not be started. To some degree there is merit in that, it sorts through a pile of jumbled plans and solidifies them, but as a whole, people are procrastinators. I tend to be a go-getter, yet know 15 people will say it should not be done, could not possibly be done, and yet in the end it is.
This past year I took on a big
land clearing job; 18 acres on the side of a mountain and people said we were stupid to try and tackle the project. "It would take 5 years to clean up", they said, and yet after starting, it only took 5 weeks. They had no vision. You gotta start. And that was our goal, to start, and once we did, some benefactors came along side, wrote out some heavily inked checks to this non-profit organization, and a professional contractor came in and took up where we left off. Some thought I was upset, but that was our goal all along; to just get started. Once the ball is in motion, people like to see it completed and it was. Me and and the guy in charge of this non-profit organization knew that, and ultimately had a great project completed, well under budget and in record time. Best of all, I did not have to put my bulldozer up on the side of that mountain!
So in conclusion, I would say the hardest part is putting 110% into the project at the end where it does the most good, while the middle is the most discouraging, and the beginning is just resisting the urge to cave into the procrastinators and push through and just start.