Hi Permies! Many of you have been asking for a full plan set for a Batch
Rocket Mass Heater along the lines of my
Brick Rocket Mass Heater Plans. I've finally dug in and got the full Plan Set and Builder's Guide finished up this week, and it's now available! I'm excited about this plan set, the heater is a small-ish, simple brick build built around my ceramic fiber batch core based on Peter van den Berg's brilliant Batch Rocket core design. Using my easy door and hardware methods allows for a build even a first time builder can easily complete with a minimum of tools and skills required. Hopefully this meets the needs and wishes of many of you who have been looking for simple batch rocket plans. Thanks so much as always for allowing me to share my work here, I greatly appreciate all the kind support and interest from all of you Permies!
You can find the plans here:
Walker Batch Rocket Mass Heater Plans