just wanted to suggest that you remain open about the style of home for now and focus on the land. The layout of the property you ultimately choose may have
alot to do with the style of home you pick. for example, lots of relief can be used to sink part or all of home into hillside. Maybe think more about water supply,
local towns and demographics, future neighbors(this can be HUGE), Industry, Markets for farm items, transportation routes and any traffic problems. Pick out your home sites on each piece of property you view and check compass directions. Actually spend time walking the land first. Find good
solar exposures, exceptional views, prevailing winds, water runoff and collection possibilities, soil type and notice any noises or smells. Observe vegetation as this tells you much about the land.Think about buffer zones around homesite and access to any desired utilities plus check county codes concerning CAFO's(confined animal feeding operations), nusiance animals etc. I believe that the right home to build will become clear when you find the right land. That way you can design it into the landscape.One last note: I got settled in on a nice little homestead and an "animal rescue", read "Animal Hoarder",moved in right at the property line. Because there were no county codes in force to protect against this, I ended up with 60+ dogs and their piled up feces and incessant noise as my constant companions. Needless to say, I had to start over somewhere else. Lost alot of money and sweat equity just to get away from that hell. Research,research,research! Protect yourself and your future investment! Happy Hunting!