Clayton Taylor

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since Nov 28, 2011
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This place can get bulk leucaena seeds.

This guy may be able to help you find innoculant. He is supposedly a leucaena guru of some sort.

Wish I had more info but this is all I have right now. I'll let you know if I find out anything else.
9 years ago
Thanks, I'll check out that website.
10 years ago
I found a source in Australia but they said the inoculate wouldn't be any good by the time it got to California.
10 years ago
Looking for somewhere to buy inoculnts in the United States for these trees. Any information would be a huge help for a project I'm dooing on a 3.75 acre flower/vegetable farm in Ventura CA.
10 years ago
Where can I buy a ton of leucaene seeds (thousands) and the proper innoculant? I have an acre of sandy and nutrient depleted soil and thought that if I could plant rows of leucaena as the do in Australia to raise livestock then chop and mulch the majority of it that it would be a super fast way to get some life back into the soil. Any information would be much appreciated.
10 years ago
Awesome information, thanks!
10 years ago
lol, just saw noticed the song. Perfect!
10 years ago
Thanks for the information. Noland, I'll let keep you updated.
10 years ago
Just today I was given permission by a farmer to take over a canal which from google earth looks to take up approximately 60,000 square feet. There is a lot of moisture at the bottom of the canal and I have access to free water for drip irrigation. I'm looking to put in an overstory which will be drought tolerant, grow fast, and possibly affix nitrogen. Eventually, I want to take the drip irrigation off. Also, I'm looking for other good food forest plants for this part of southern California. Any suggestions?
10 years ago