Namaste James Colbert,
I think that I win the contest for longest-delayed reply. Actually I went through some personal drama around the time I posted to you and forgot about this for a while. Then someone else contacted me two days ago and I thought ok it's been a long time but what the heck? Never hurts to try. I was wondering if you started a community and if so where? I would love to chat with you. I posted in a couple other websites regarding starting a community, and I have connected with lots of amazing skilled wonderful people, but no one seemed to have any money. This appears to be a common thread among those of us choosing to live sustainably in the US, it's darned difficult to do so and make money unless you are a geek or a trustafarian. Joke. Anyhoo at the moment I am in Saudi Arabia teaching English and saving money to buy land and try again (I was part of a community that folded due to financial setbacks and a tiny slice of human drama). Hope you are happy and well! Blessings, Shelley Stark