Hey all!
My name is Shea I am currently studying for a masters degree in Design for Sustainable Development in Sweden. I have been searching for a year now for a specific Thesis topic, done seemingly endless mindmapping, brainstorming, interviewing and asking questions to anybody I meet that's doing interesting research or projects. But I can't ever seem to focus on a specific topic. Wasn't sure where to post this on the blog? But if anybody has any suggestions, ideas, input, projects that may help me focus my topic I would be eternally grateful! My issue is that I am interested in too many things. Attached is a very simple recent brain storm I did. And my background is in ecological design, building, construction management and now studying architecture. Sorry, if I am using this post in the wrong way, if anyone can help please email me to keep the discussion out of the blog post,
shea.hagy@gmail.com. Tack!